The 3-Minute Solution to Procrastination – 99U

Now knowing I only have a three-minute commitment I just do the thing I was procrastinating about! I just make that a policy! Just do that one thing– you know what it is– it’s the thing you’re thinking about right now. Don’t think in terms of patterns. None of this: “I always” or “I never ” because those globalizing thoughts will never serve you. They will scare you and make you a pessimist. Keep your life creative and simple: what needs to be done now in these three minutes? That’s all you ever need to ask, and you’ll never have anything like procrastination bother you again.

Joint Finances: Why I Share My Money With My Husband – The Simple Dollar

And while that may be true — that it doesn’t hurt him — keeping financial secrets never seems like a good idea. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t commonplace. According to a poll from earlier this year, one in five adults has spent more than $500 without telling their spouse. Meanwhile, another 6% of adult participants admitted to having a secret checking or savings account.

Separate accounts and secret spending seem like a recipe for disaster — and that’s one thing I love about keeping everything out in the open. Not that I am tempted to splurge, but I think the fact that we are totally transparent with one another makes it easier to stay on track.

Some Thoughts on the Parable of the Fisherman and the Banker – The Simple Dollar

Think about that nice life that the fisherman describes again. “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos: I have a full and busy life, señor.”

That life is a pretty cheap one. He catches most of his own food and probably has a garden to fulfill the rest. He doesn’t need a mansion for this lifestyle. He sips wine in the evening, but it’s probably wine given to him by friends and he likely gives them fish in exchange for it.