Everyone has a Magic Time in the day. Beethoven, Ben Franklin, and B.F. Skinner were early risers and found their best work was done as the sun was rising. For night owls, like my friend Joel Marion and Presidents Barack Obama and JFK, Magic Time might be after 10:00 PM. But for most people, your Magic Time will be found in the morning, either before you go to work or in the first few hours at your job when interruptions are limited.

Identifying your Magic Time is essential for success. “Magic Time has changed my life,” reports ETR reader, Jon Laffoon, a High School Principal in Pea Ridge, Arkansas. You must make time in your day for two to four hours of concentrated effort on your number one priority in life. First thing in the morning is the most practical approach.

via My Daily Routine for 2015 – Early To Rise.

Categories: Time


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