Workaholism: an occupational hazard for web workers? — Online Collaboration

Among the joys of web work is the freedom to create a more porous boundary between your personal and working life. Need to pop out to take your kids to swim lessons in the middle of the day? If you’re a web worker, that’s not a problem. Or conversely, if you have a huge deadline looming, you can say goodnight to your better half and pop open your laptop to get an extra hour of Read more…

Top 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Daily Routine – Lifehacker

Top 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Daily Routine – Lifehacker. 1. Wake Up 2. Make Breakfast Fast and Cheap 3. Go to Work Late (or Early) 4. Better Organize Your Work Day 5. Cut Out Tedious Tasks at Work with Text Expansion 6. Enjoy Your Time at the Office More 7. Stay Productive All Day 8. Upgrade Your Exercise Routine 9. Do Your Chores Faster and Easier 10. Solve Your Sleep Problems

Good Hours, Not More Hours – The Simple Dollar

This article hits pretty close to home.  My main hours where I’m “on” are about 10-1, and 3-6.  When are your ‘good hours’ of the day? While you may be at work longer or at different times try to keep your main projects scheduled for when you’re firing on all cylinders as it were.

19 apps to boost concentration – WebWorkerDaily

While some people view apps as only a distraction they can be a useful tool when approaching them with a balanced view. Check out this post from WebWorkerDaily with 19 great apps to help boost productivity by increasing concentration.  My favorite sections are the site blockers and timers. Read on at Be sure to subscribe to my blog and theirs.

What’s Your Start-up’s “Bus Count”? 7 Myths of Entrepreneurship and Programming

        1. Myth: You have to hire “ninjas”. 2. Myth: Programmers need to work in quiet, without interruption. 3. Myth: Start-ups run hot, so we’re just gonna have to burn everyone out. 4. Myth: Looming deadlines necessitate shortcuts. 5. Myth: Developers should take ownership of their code. 6. Myth: You need a quirky hiring process. 7. Myth: Specialization is essential. What’s Your Start-up’s “Bus Count”? 7 Myths of Entrepreneurship and Programming

Seth’s Blog: Which of the four are getting in the way?

You don’t know what to do You don’t know how to do it You don’t have the authority or the resources to do it You’re afraid Once you figure out what’s getting in the way, it’s far easier to find the answer (or decide to work on a different problem). Stuck is a state of mind, and it’s curable. via Seth’s Blog: Which of the four are getting in the way?.

The Simple Dollar » Five Elements of a Successful Goal (From My Experience)

1. Extract a goal from your most painful experiences. 2. Bury yourself in reading about the goal. 3. Develop a plan that includes a series of very simple actions that will take you to that goal. 4. Take your first action within a day of coming up with the plan 5. Keep a very visible record of your actions and share that record with others. The Simple Dollar » Five Elements of a Successful Goal (From My Read more…