Nothing is certain in life including your financial future. However, the 4% Rule gives us a solid framework to plan with.
Life is a bit of a game. If you’re lucky enough to have been born in a place with opportunity where hard work is rewarded, you can take your life in any direction you want. However, a large determiner of your success and well being can also be attributed to your attitude. You can choose to worry about scenarios that probably won’t come true or chase down your dreams.
I encourage you to strongly consider the latter.
I believe your dreams have a far greater chance of coming true.
And if you ever see a Komodo dragon, keep your distance.
How to Want Very Little : zen habits
There’s a part of today’s consumerist world that drives us to want more, buy more, act on our impulses, hoard, spend to solve our problems, create comfort through shopping, seek thrills through travel, do more, Read more…