If you’re paying for subscriptions to magazines you never read or pay more for your cable bill than you do for car insurance, it’s time to purge your recurring expenses. Spend about an hour reviewing recent expenses, keeping an eye out for monthly charges like cable bills and subscription fees as well as services you could do yourself, like housecleaning. Look for services you don’t use much or could live without and cancel them.

For services you need, contact your service provider ask if there are any current offers, promotions or discounts that you could take advantage of to secure a lower rate. Or, you could try and get an upgrade at the same price you’re currently paying. If you can’t get a deal from your current service provider, shop the competition to see if other companies are willing to offer a discount to give you a reason to switch over. The best part about cutting or lowering monthly expenses is that it’s a one-time effort that will help you save money long term.

>>Latest Update: The crisis that will hit soon after Greece (yet nobody is talk

via 10 Ways to Improve Your Finances in One Day – Early To Rise.


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