Someone stole $90 million from a company I was involved in. I’m a poor judge of people. The company collapsed. Some things I can’t learn. I tend to like people too much. So it’s hard for me to be a good judge of people, no matter how much I try. So I find other people who are good at judging people and I ask them to help me.
Don’t force yourself to learn something if you don’t want to or it’s not a natural talent. What’s the role of talent? Very small. But you have to start with it. Talent is the seed of skill. How do you know if you are talented? If you loved it when you were ten years old. If you dream about it. If you like to read about it. Read the below and you’ll know what you are talented at.
Trust me when I say: everyone is talented at many things. In the past 20 years I’ve wanted to learn how to do some things really well. Writing, programming, business skills (leadership, sales, negotiating, decision-making), comedy, games.
How to Want Very Little : zen habits
There’s a part of today’s consumerist world that drives us to want more, buy more, act on our impulses, hoard, spend to solve our problems, create comfort through shopping, seek thrills through travel, do more, Read more…